



Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 U.S.C. §1092(f)(民事诉讼法) is a federal law which requires all colleges and universities that receive federal funding to disclose information about crimes that occur on and near their campuses. 此外, Clery行为 要求各学院和大学发布一份 年度保安报告(ASR) informing their communities of campus safety policies and procedures, crime prevention 努力,和校园犯罪统计. 有校内活动的学院和大学 学生宿舍也需要公布一份 消防安全年报(AFSR) informing their communities of fire safety policies and procedures and fire 统计数据.


点击 在这里 阅读更多2022世界杯买球盘口 Clery行为 以及它的要求.


2022世界杯买球盘口准备并出版 保安及消防安全年报(ASFSR) 在每年的10月1日之前,以遵守 Clery行为. 包括在 ASFSR 校园犯罪、逮捕和转介统计数据(i.e.、校园罪案统计) 为 previous three (3) 历年s, which include incidents reported to the 2022世界杯买球盘口警察局, designated campus security authorities (CSAs), and 当地执法机构.


点击 在这里 浏览2022世界杯买球盘口的网页 ASFSRs.


A campus security authority (CSA) is a 科林大学 employee who has significant 负责学生和校园活动.2022世界杯买球盘口的学生和员工 are encouraged to report crimes to a CSA 为 purpose of making emergency notifications and timely warning reports as well as inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime 统计数据.




1. 所有2022世界杯买球盘口警察局的警官,警长,中尉,还有 警察局长;
2. 负责学生事务的院长,负责第九条合规的副院长,负责 学生及学生操守官员;
3. 的 chief student success officer, vice president of student and enrollment services, deans of student and enrollment services, and associate deans of student and enrollment 服务;
4. 所有校园副校长/教务长;
5. 所有学术/人力世界杯买球盘口主任、副主任和项目主任;
6. 所有晚上和周末的管理员;
7. 学生宿舍运营主管和所有宿舍生活工作人员;
8. 所有体育主管和副体育主管;
9. 所有体育教练、助理教练、志愿者教练和训练师;
10. All student organization advisors; and
11. 任何其他对学生和校园负有重大责任的员工 活动(e.g.、学生旅游责任方).


cssa没有义务调查指控 Clery行为 crimes that are reported to them, but they are required by law to report such crimes 2022世界杯买球盘口警察局. 当一个 Clery行为 犯罪报告给CSA, CSA必须填写 校园安全局(CSA)犯罪报告表格 在线.


辅导:点击 在这里 下载校园保安局(CSA)罪案报告表格.


Campus “pastoral 辅导员” and “professional 辅导员,” when acting as such, are not considered to be a CSA, and are not required to report crimes for inclusion in 每年公布校园犯罪统计数据. 然而,如果 and when they deem it appropriate, to inform persons being counseled of the procedures to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure 校园犯罪统计数据. 2022世界杯买球盘口目前不雇用任何牧师 辅导员. 2022世界杯买球盘口的持牌专业辅导员被告知 procedures to report crimes during various training sessions throughout each academic 历年.


1989年《2022世界杯买球盘口》 requires institutions of higher education to establish programs that address unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs, and foster safe and 促进学习成绩的无毒学习环境.


点击 在这里 以了解更多有关柯林学院遵守 DFSCA.


在任何柯林学院校园内报告犯罪或紧急情况,请拨分机 5555 从任何2022世界杯买球盘口的电话或拨号台 972.578.5555 从学院系统以外的任何电话(e.g.(个人手机).


在医疗紧急情况下拨打 911,然后拨分机 5555 or 972.578.5555.


2022世界杯买球盘口警察局 officers are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a 一年接电话. 如果需要其他警察局的协助,科林 大学警察局的官员将联系相应的机构.


科林大学 is required to collect and disclose 统计数据 regarding the occurrence of Clery行为 crimes that are reported 2022世界杯买球盘口警察局, campus security 当局(csa)和地方执法机构. 此外,2022世界杯买球盘口 has a responsibility to notify the campus community about any crimes which pose an 持续的威胁. 因此,及时报告所有罪行是极其重要的 2022世界杯买球盘口警察局.


点击 在这里 的定义 克莱利法案, 和仇恨犯罪.


按照 Clery法案, 科林大学 is committed to ensuring its community receives timely, accurate, and useful information in the event of a significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on campus or in the local area that poses an immediate threat to the health 以及2022世界杯买球盘口学生、教师和/或工作人员的安全. 2022世界杯买球盘口将 immediately notify the campus community upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students, 发生在校园内的教员和/或工作人员. “直接威胁”包括迫在眉睫的威胁 或迫在眉睫的威胁、重大紧急情况或危险情况(如.g.,接近 tornado or other extreme weather condition, armed intruder, bomb threat, chemical or hazardous waste spill, explosion, fire, gas leak, outbreak of a serious illness). 的 intent of emergency notifications is to provide information that may enable members of the Coliln College community to prepare 为 emergency (if possible) and protect 自己.


点击 在这里 查看2022世界杯买球盘口的动态 ASFSR 其中包含有关紧急通知的其他信息.


CougarAlert is 科林大学’s official emergency notification system, providing critical information to the entire 科林大学 community via text message, phone 消息和/或电子邮件.


点击 在这里 在CougarAlert上获取更多信息.


Anyone with information warranting an emergency notification should immediately report 把情况打电话给2022世界杯买球盘口警察局 972.578.5555 或亲自到2022世界杯买球盘口警察局的任何校园办公室.


点击 在这里 有关2022世界杯买球盘口警察局的更多信息.


按照 Clery法案, 如果…… Clery行为 犯罪发生在2022世界杯买球盘口的校园里 Clery行为 geography that, in the judgment of the 2022世界杯买球盘口警察局, constitutes a serious or continuing threat to members of the 科林大学 community, a timely 将发出警告通知. 及时预警通知的目的是通知 2022世界杯买球盘口社区 Clery行为 crime and provide information that may enable 科林大学 students, faculty, and 员工更好地保护自己.


When issuing a timely warning notice, some specific information may be withheld if t在这里 is a possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts to investigate and/or 破案. 此外,在发布及时警告通知时,2022世界杯买球盘口 will not include personally identifying information about victims, including, but 不限于,受害者的名字,这将是保密的.


Timely warning notices, including official updates to and discontinuance of timely warning notices, will always be sent through CougarAlert and posted on the Collin 大学警务处 网页.


点击 在这里 在CougarAlert上获取更多信息.


Anyone with information warranting a timely warning notice should immediately report 把情况打电话给2022世界杯买球盘口警察局 972.578.5555 或亲自到2022世界杯买球盘口警察局的任何校园办公室.


点击 在这里 有关2022世界杯买球盘口警察局的更多信息.


科林大学 students residing in 科林大学 Student Housing located on the 普莱诺的校园 at 5800 Jupiter Road, Plano, Texas, 75074, may register one (1) or more 失踪人员的联系方式. 如果学生住宿是确定的 to be missing by the 2022世界杯买球盘口警察局 or a local law enforcement agency, the student resident’s missing person contact(s) will be notified by 科林大学 在确定后24小时内.


Student residents’ missing person contact information will be registered confidentially 只有经过授权的2022世界杯买球盘口官员才能使用. 另外,这个联系人 information will not be disclosed, except to law enforcement personnel who are authorized 在调查失踪人口时使用它.


Student residents who choose to register one (1) or more individuals to be a missing 个人联系人必须填写 失踪学生联系信息表.


学生住院医师:点击 在这里失踪学生联系信息表.

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